Recent projects…

Just going through my project list and though I would share some of my projects.You can also find some of theses in the “Project” page.

A recentyl completed renovation of a small 3 bedroom brick and tile home on the canal at Bundilla, Sunshne Coast. This home was transformed into a 2 level home with 5 bedrooms, double garage, media room, study and outdoor living area by a local builder – Kyle Smith, from Smithy & Co.




Cheap quotes….

When getting quotes for your new home, renovation, addition or new shed. The cheapest quote is not always your best option. Cheap usually means “I’ll do the job but…I’m not that keen to give it my full attention”. Do your research, ask around and find out about your Buidling Designer. Make sure their license covers the scope of your project. The BSA imposes tough fines on non-licensed contractors.